Tuesday 7 February 2012

Letter #2

Dear Diary,

Suddenly I felt to write something in here... Sejak kebelakangan ni rasa macam-macam menghantui diri. Terlalu banyak benda yang susah nak diungkap nak dilepaskan. But for sure, I'm strong enough for all this. Good. Alhamdulillah and I never regret in being me. The unique me. I took it as lessons for me in improving my self into a better person I guess :)

Kadang-kadang orang marahkan I, sebab I terlalu memikirkan sesuatu yang belum tentu keterjadiannya. But nahhh I never listen to them, still I nak jugak fikir tentang perkara yang trivial  macam ni. 


Rasa macam nak meraung.

Dah lah malas nak fikir. Kalau asyik fikir boleh jadi meroyan tau tak.


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Letter #1

Dear Diary,

After tons of obstacles and happiness surrounding my life, here by chance I recreated this blog so do called "The piece of canvas" that we can really express our feelings and thoughts on.

Everything that is going to be write on this blog is really came from me myself. 
As usual,
My blog. My rules. 
I can write anything that I want as long as it was in a prudent manner. Yes I know.

So today 19 JAN 2012,

